Thursday, June 6, 2019

6.4.19 Sunday

On Sunday I took a mom break and when I woke up I was concerned I had not heard from Alia for a few hours. It is nice that she is getting bigger and more independent but I was a bit alarmed. When I went looking this is what I found. 

I was majorly shocked she NEVER sleeps unless riding in the car or in my arms. This was a major step forward. I had to touch her again and again to make sure she was alive!!
I even uncovered her just to see. Note the aids to help her sleep. An apple or two, play toy, dolls, nice blanket. The little girls were so proud of their accomplishment. 

Later she spent time doing dishes with Harold. HE found good use for the apron. She could sit up there and watch/wash yet not get in the water too much.

A baby is such a blessing to a family, especially to older siblings who need to love, care for, entertain, and love someone so quick to smile and appreciate their offerings. Life is good!

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