Tuesday, June 25, 2019

6.25.19 Fathers Day

I love green! It relaxes my eyes and helps my breathing steady. I love doing things with my family and sharing with them experiences that are not the norm. We were invited by one of our fun family members to a fathers day outing at Manns Creek. The name had a familiar ring but I could not put my finger on why I would know this place. For the life of me I could not remember ever having been there. We decided last minute, literally, to join the festivities and hurriedly prepared picnic food. We packed the car to the brim with food and people and set off on a nice Sunday drive. To be honest the road there was intimidating mostly because of the racing oncoming traffic. I was not happy about the many near crashes we had. Yet, as we continued to turn right and turn right onto yet another road, the traffic became less and less and we enjoyed the beauty surrounding us more and more. We unloaded and started to explore, eat, and rest. It was a great change of pace and place.

The boys are so good to their youngest brother. Here they are lifting him up on a stick. He so adores these bigger guys who make his life so full.

I think they were playing pirates and fairies? Reed of course is a pirate guarding the mountain?? The girls were using the sego lillies to zap them. Thank you Barbie princess movie for the idea.

 The flowers were in bloom as I had never seen before. The girls gathered many bouquets and enjoyed spending time with the nice Lexie. She is so patient and kind with them.

We love our dads and we love getting away with them breathing some sweet mountain air and trusting they will protect us from crazy drivers and life in general. Life is good we are blessed with strong dads!

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