Thursday, June 13, 2019

6.13.19 Summer chronicles

Pictures illustrating the last post. Millie's new shirt. The clean background counter thanks to my focused daughters. Oh to have only one or two things to think about at a time! A thought unimaginable at my current stage. Also note the faucet box is gone. The faucet literally broke off in a daughters hand so a kind cousin repaired the sink. Nice to have no leaks and a new faucet. 

Millie fell asleep one day while doing her daily two pages of reading and two pages of math. It's exhausting playing and working all day.

Trying out a new shape of hay bale. They were kind light the kids could roll them and had fun being on top. They really enjoyed riding with our cousin as he swathed the field. HE is not yet a father and was surprised at how pleasant little chatter is while working.

Oh my free loving son. He had been drinking the yogurt after a full day of naked enjoyment outside. He keeps his clothes nearby and mostly stays in the trees and shrubbery but his red back tells he spent time just soaking up the sun too.

The girls went to the library last week and brought home the best children's books. They are great book pickers. WE have all enjoyed what they brought home. Libraries are our happy place.

Bike riding is a skill we are working on. THis strong silly brother decided to add Bruce to the challenge I did say not to do this was ignored and so took pictures.

Cooking is another skill we are working on. These two make shell free eggs as often as I will let them.

And as is always the case with our rigorous apprentice program Alia is working on getting in the action. She loves eating off the floor. I know gasp! But it is handy she grazes as needs and all is well. 

 She also found she could walk between the buckets and thought that was high living. She is growing fast and yet not fast enough. She is heavy to carry around and yet I love to snuggle her and need the reassurance she still needs me while the others are getting big so fast.

I know so much that is shocking to see, I read in a book how your brain has to block out the shock and become numb or you just couldn't handle life, let alone know what was truly dangerous...I'm so there past numb just coping. Good stuff is happening a lot of it. Some strong spiritual experiences, maturity, confidence, and some rest. Life is good I am truly abundantly blessed. I do so love being a mom. I don't know how we fit school in with all the life we work on each day. For now I'm thankful it is not part of our days.

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