Monday, August 5, 2019

8.5.19 Summer

Now that fair is over it feels like summer is gone! I will get to those picture in a moment but I found these life pre-fair and wanted to semi-stay in order.
Alia has 5 teeth through her gums now and although it was an  arduous ordeal for her and me she is back to happy baby. She was so insistent that she get her teeth brushed too. She loves to be big and insists on being part of the action around here. GReg is the best toothbrusher. He is patient and thorough.

Reed working through his tonsil recovery. He and MArk both lost 10 lbs and are hiking up very lose pants a lot these days. They had lots of peach smoothies and milkshakes along with tylenol to get through the recovery process. About 7 days of medicine then they were pretty good without. They did so well staying hydrated.

Mark took some recovery time in the tractor. However this picture is of Ms. Aliza. There was a day when only one kid was asked to go so I sent her solo and she of course did great! We have focused on skill development this summer as it is the backbone of self-confidence. She had a great day in the a/c enjoying the tedium of shredding straw. She walked a little taller when she got off that green machine.

Lia dressed like a brother but still a sweety. Not enough hands to go around with 2 boys sick, kids off working and prepping for fair so she got big brothers clothes for a day. Laundry and I are friends and enemies. And to think of school clothes makes my mind spin...
And the prep! Shaving the pigs. Give them a popsicle and all is well. 

And give the kids some popsicles and they are entertained for quiet a while.

Oh Livy not the fence. She is so tactile. I sighed when I saw her mouth on the pig fence. More than a week later she is fine no germs defeat these farm kids- yet.

 Afton and Bruce helping uncle MAtt move the wheel line.

Another night of milkshakes. He's such a spunky kid. As the heat rises his tolerance for clothes lowers. Some other people here wish they could join him in his free spirit ways. 
We are blessed to be healthy, to have enough, and to have each other. Life is good.

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