Saturday, July 11, 2020

7.11.20 Millie's Birthday

Millie is our loan summer birthday. I love her timing because it is always pleasant to get together on the lawn and sit in the shade. Birthdays in say February are a bit harder cuz its cold, dark, and inside. Millie is a lot like June. Pleasant, inviting, and Fun! She is a sweet girl who had been looking forward to her birthday for a long time. Her sisters above and below her have their special days closer together so it seems like eternity for her to wait her turn. 

Her brothers love to light things! She wanted cake with strawberries. 

Finally getting ready to blow the candles she was in this position for seconds!

Sharing with the crew. Oh how I love the relaxation of outside eating, and I love the luscious restfulness of all the grass and trees.

Our grandmas. We are so thankful to interact with family especially grandparents.

Cousins, Vivian and Sam visting with grandpa.

Harold resting against the still uprooted tree roots from the overturned tree. He looks to fit pretty well.

Mark fresh from cleaning pivots. He said it felt good to take a shower.

Oh how we love our kiddos! We are so blessed to have such diversity, energy, and love in our home. While I often feel we are bursting the seams of our house I wouldn't have it any other way. As we work to teach, prepare, and encourage our kids I can't hardly think of the many impending changes without a lump in my throat at sadness of the separations for college, missions, and growing up that need to happen soon. The time seems to have run too fast and I'm sure we didn't have enough time. But I'm thankful for who they are choosing to be and we will still be family even if we don't all occupy the same house.

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