Friday, July 10, 2020

7.11.20 Summer Food

Summer is a time to do a few things differently. With the incessant sunlight hours there seems to be more time. And fresh food is the best! 

I have a small raspberry patch that valiantly grows luscious berries. The kids do all the picking and most the eating. Afton is pretty good about sharing. We divided this handfull between the both of us.

My semi-reluctant reader was helped by my insistent compulsive cleaner. While trying to hold on to my household I demanded a children's cook book not be tossed but rather offered to the younger set as a possible afternoon activity. Little did I know cookbooks could provide such delightful, no prodding needed, reading practice! And the best part was making the simple recipes.

First recipe birds nest. Addie helped Livy and Millie melt the chocolate. A nice treat after running through the sprinklers. Next up black raspberry and ice cream pie. YUM! I think this book came frmo a book fair when I was about these girls ages. Nice! Life is good I love watching my kids grow in confidence and finding what appeals to them.
The guy in the back has been fixing and fixing things this week. It seems everything is broken in some way or another. Thank goodness my guys and gals are so skilled. They are working on gear box number two complete with ujoints. The first one they did themselves!! This one dad has been helping on just to add a little more instruction and hopefully speed up the process a bit. We have been very thankful for the rain and cooler temperatures, but know that dry weather complete with heat is needed from here on out. Challenge and responsibility make for a happy life, with some yum thrown in life is good!

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