Tuesday, July 7, 2020

7.7.20 Pig Pictures

Fair has been cancelled for the year. Yet we have 5 growing pigs. We won't eat that many this year and thus 3 are fro sale. The innovative sales committee found a way to do online sales, but the repsonsibilitiy is on the kids to prepare and present their animals from their own homes. Thus we had a day or two working with the pigs trying to get some adequate footage for their sales entry. 
After the girls got their pigs mostly clean they had to go get ready. Reed our pig charmer was called in to help relax and sooth the piggies. The audio of this picture is pigs sighing with contentment, falling over in happiness and stretching out for more scratches. They love to be scratched under the legs. 

And success some calm pigs for pictures with beautiful handlers.

My yard is a bit worse for the wear as the pigs love to root in the grass and would dig small ditches with their snouts. Oh well small price to pay for the kids to have success.

 After the girls got done we encouraged Reed to get his put together. Of course no one wanted to help him so we all helped him. Interestingly enough he was much more cautious anxious with his own pig than the others. His pig is also more skittish and did not enjoy being touched. It was fun watching Reed go from anxious to more competent in just 20 minutes. Some of our best summer memories are working with these 4-H projects.

I have loved and welcomed the time to be outdoors laughing and encouraging my kids. Aliza said I sound like a volleyball coach spurring my kids on and demanding they keep trying. Oh well a lot of smiles were had and only a few angry blow ups this day. Life is good.

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