Monday, July 20, 2020

7.20.20 dead mouse

Shortly after playing Legos the kids went outside but came quickly back in the house yelling they had seen a gopher. I told them probably not they have big teeth to go check again. I thought they were just playing. They like to imagine. Well then I looked outside and there was some varmint there. Livy used a bowl to trap it and kneeled holding the bowl while Bruce went to get a shovel. At our house you kill mice with a whap from a shovel. When Bruce returned he took his protecting us role seriously. With mom's loud instruction from far away he whapped that mouse till it's guts came out!

Removing the dead mouse. It kept rolling in front of the shovel so Livy used the same bowl to scoop it onto the shovel and Bruce hauled it away.
I am teaching my children to be self-reliant and the added bonus is that they protect me from rodents! That is one of my favorite qualities of Greg is he kills mice, every time decisively. Life is good and moments happen quickly.

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