Sunday, July 12, 2020

7.12.20 4th of July Festivities

What a great weekend the fourth of July was. Usually we are booked by the hour serving in our community. This year due to COVID 19 we just stayed home and did our own thing. And it was great!
We woke up at 5:30 and I asked Greg if he was going to put the flag up, we debated for a while then he decided to get it done. The boys were the only ones who would get up to join him, sot hey located the flag and climbed the silo! I must admit it is a beautiful site up there. They came home to Addie preparing breakfast. She and Anna had worked on cleaning the front of our house and grills for this activity. This was seriously the first year ever my husbands family had not gone to the church for breakfast. We decided after much discussion to stick with tradition and had scrambled eggs, hashbrown patties, sausage links, pancakes, juice, and milk. It was delicious and so validating for Greg. He got the cooker when he helped someone move about ten years ago. I have wanted to trash it fro about 8. But with this opportunity Addie scrubbed it up, and Harold and Greg created a great new propane hose system and it was found to be very handy! We have big plans to use it in the future family get togethers. 

Thus Addie, Reed, Anna, and Mark cooked breakfast for about 30. Again I love eating outdoors this time of year.

The kids can play and all can visit. It's not so loud it's just peaceful and fun. Harold is teaching/helping Bruce swing on the rope. Harold is quite the monkey as is Bruce.

We spent the afternoon as per tradition at the lake. The blowup water devices are so fun for the shorebound crew. They spent a lot of time just paddling around.

 After a lovely shower and nap and lazy dinner we rushed to Uncle Kevin's for some fireworks. The best part was singing the national anthem as family as the moon rose over the near hill. We are blessed to live in a land where freedom is the basis.
The next day was Sunday, where we had a larger than usual crowd. I did not take these pictures but wanted to. I found after the meeting that Bruce had my phone and was snapping pictures.
Addie was glad to hand off leading the music to her cousin Karadyn.

 Oh he's a precocious young son. He really is coming to his own figuring out the world. he has so many plans for him and Merle. They will jump off diving boards together, drive motor cycles, etc. He made sure I had rootbeer pop and chocolate milk so Merle could get some while nursing.

Addie completely took care of Sunday lunch. This is her perfect brisket. She chopped the vegetables for the salad, pressure cooked the potatoes, marinated and cooked the brisket. She is pretty amazing, and thoughtful. It was a nice change for grandma to just sit and visit not be rushing to get lunch put together. I did the dishes and plugged in the stranger, and pushed start on the instapot.

Merle was so excited by this truck. I remember Mark loving tractors at this age too. Reed loves his littlest brother and is a great help with him.

Later that day I had a feeling to push on Bruce's sore I've been watching for a month. When I did I was shocked to find this slowly come out of it. The scab is on the tip top of the sliver it was straight in towards his bone. He is a tough cookie to have that in his leg for a month. Thank goodness for puss.

 And more fourth of July fun sparklers. Uncle Richard and Aunt Deanne brought fireworks that we enjoyed on Monday. I am not comfortable or encouraging of sparklers but I will admit they are very pretty. The kids really enjoyed them. I appreciate the diversity and fun our generous Aunts, Uncles, and grandparents bring to our life.

In between all the fun there was some work. The kids are putty some straw in the rows to help the corn have a chance to soak up the offered water. This is a small piece of the farm a flood irrigated section on very light white soil. The kids complained and asked why a hundred times but the short  hour it took did not harm them in the least.

There was plenty of time to play in between work. These cousins meshed so well.

Livy loves to dream and imagine at one meal she was roasting peas like marshmallows - all joined in loading their forks one at a time with peas.

We are thankful for family, fun, freedom, and vacations from the norm. We love being with our cousins quaratine and isolation has truly isolated us from our normal friends so these times when we can be together are so heartwarming and invigorating. Life is good together!

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