Saturday, July 18, 2020

7.18.20 jumping brothers

Oh my boys. Bruce has not lost any enthusiasm for having a brother if anything his anticipation is growing. This week I have been working to organize our life and get more done that should be happening. One day while sitting and listening to Livy, Bruce decided it would be fun to jump over Merle. He is fast and it was hard to catch him, Merle was not scared just watched. 

You can see our math board in the background. I keep wanting to homeschool yet we have yet to have a day that we get it all done with just three let alone 6 or more. There are a lot of jokes, discussions, and prayers about what to do this coming year. I did invest in and have been voraciously reading about home organization and management. I've learned a bit and have been motivated to pull up my boot straps and get my life back. I learned it takes a lot of energy to constantly be making decisions. What to eat for the day, who's suppose to help me do what task, what tasks need to be completed, what stuff needs to be bought for whom. It's exhausting and yet that is where I have been living for this year of 2020. Doing a lot myself because I shut down my communication and discipline. I've been worried since the beginning of Merle's pregnancy how I would fit in one more and how we would manage the farm, the mechanics, the activities, etc with a baby. So instead of holding on to what I knew worked I just stumbled through the days and was so anxious, tired, stressed and not happy.
Well enter pandemic and riots and the world basically turned on its side and as on decision led to another I stumbled upon some organization guru sites and started slowly trying their ideas.
Don't misunderstand I don't have my day organized to the half hour, but Sunday I made a menu for two weeks with Addie all the meals and sides. So nice to just get the meat defrosting in the morning no more deciding in desperation at 7pm. Also helped with grocery shopping to get what I needed rather than going back time and again through the week for that one item.
That positive energy brought more reading and realization that I need to spend time with my younger crew doing some fun things just with them. So I made cookies with Livy and Millie on Monday. And by Friday was ready to make a daily responsibility list complete with cooking and dishes schedule to get help. YAY! I feel like jumping too!!

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