Monday, July 6, 2020

7.6.20 Summer Begins

 Some days and  nights I feel like all we do is work, but the pictures tell a different story.
Some of us just sit around chilling in the blessed cool air of the basement.

Some got to take swim lessons. The teacher was amazingly patient. Livy, Millie, and Afton all made progress. Bruce regressed and will have to spend the summer working on water confidence. It was very odd for me to leave the house everyday for a week. Nice to see people and great to be done and get to stay home again. I have become a recluse!

Almost floating. This was huge. These girls were very scared they would drown. I had them repeat my teacher won't let me get hurt! and I'm learning to swim so I won't drown. 10 times each before their lessons. They did better that day and thereafter.

A blurry snap of my very busy crew helping me get ready to get out the door.

Bruce helping to train Greg. Making sure he gets enough weight in those push ups. He can now stand on Greg's back but my camera was too slow to get that picture.
Greg helped me buy a new used piano. I am so thankful to have music in my home again. I love hearing my children sing. I love being able to play again. and I have been impressed with how much music they remember from their lessons all those years ago. Life is good summer days are long and we jam them full of have to do's. All the extra irrigated rows have been down once, some even twice thanks to the diligence of Addie and Reed. Now to do that again and again until the corn is mature. Life is good when there is plenty of reasons to get out of bed in the morning.

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