Tuesday, July 12, 2022

4th of July continued

This fourth was abnormally cool. A full cloud cover along with temperatures in the mid 80's made for a very pleasant day. The kids were excited to get off the farm, and tired from an already full day. 
Usually we go boating but the boat people were sick so we headed north to a private pond. We got to try out paddle boards and kayaks. The nice things about these toys are no expensive gas to power them, take them at your own leisure, all can participate. Dogs included. 

We ate well of course. I mostly stayed under the shade with Andrea.

Megan went fishing with her dog in tow. The kids are out past hte raft paddling around. 
The smaller kayaks were easy to manipulate and just right for the younger girls. Besides getting muddy all had a great time. Greg rested as per usual I watched and took pictures. We left at our cut off time to make it for the next event. 

 We stopped for fresh fruit on the way home. We met a man from a family of 17. He was surprised we had 14. We made it home in time for the younger kids to go to the parade with Greg's parents. The boys went out to fix the pivot that had broken just as we were leaving in the morning. Letting it wait was part of the heated exchange. 

Oddly enough there were no sunburns which was really nice. Aliza and Addie headed to the rodeo to work in the 4-h booth selling sno-cones. I rested at home enjoying a dinner I had made the day before but put in the fridge so we could enjoy the annual fried foods at my mother in-laws. It was so nice to have real food for dinner and to have it ready to warm up. 

I'm thankful for the freedom to have a large family. I'm thankful for safety and opportunity to work and learn. I'm thankful for the ability to worship God as I desire. I'm thankful for having enough. I'm not happy with the discourse, total lying and corruption in society today. I'm sickened by the evilness that is in full display. Yet I know the only way to change things is to learn, teach, and live the principles our country was founded on. The pursuit of life liberty and happiness, underpinned by an acknowledgement and faith in God and His ways and laws. Love him, serve him, love others and serve them. We are blessed but have to do better and be better for the democracy to hold on. 

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