Thursday, July 14, 2022

7.14.22 Farm Life

When the water situation looked really tight we planted wheat as an early season harvest and an alternative to corn. When the rains began to come we sprayed a lot of the wheat and planted corn. We left about 20 acres thinking we would green chop it when it was headed out. The time came and we were thankful to have about 10 acres chopped the remaining ten was too rocky for the chopper to run through so we were left with windrows of wheat. The kids were instructed to start feeding it at the farm to the hungry cows. Getting hay is a favorite team activity. They toss it and trample it down to take to the farm. What a great crew!

This summer there has definitely been a division of labor, the younger girls being called on to do more and yet the powerhouse older kids doing more this year as well. I often think how can we keep up with ourselves? These guys are the answer and the reason. After hay hauling htey were ready for a pick me up. Watermelon is the perfect refreshment after a hot job.

We had a gallon of milk go sour in the fridge Lia wanted to make soem ckae for her dad. We were in process but were not allowing Merle to particpate he was not happy about that. After another round of jobs the kids were ready for lunch and chocolate ckae. It was one of those we accomplished a lot today. Not heard is the crying of Andrea not being held and MErle crying in frustration of not being the helper. 

I'm working to learn to master sour dough bread. This batch was good not hardly noticeable sour. The batch prior where the starter had sat on the counter for days was very vinegar tasting the kids would not eat it. 
We have been listening to books on tape while working. It makes me happy to hear the great books I love and the kids working and working to keep listening. 
One of those spots that was wheat got sprayed on accident. I told Greg to just plant corn as weeds havec little value to us. The late plant allowed the weeds to get ahead of the corn. We are working to uncover the corn. I'm weak and really feel sore after working with the kids but it is a great lesson in working everyday to complete a huge task. 

The kids are getting ready for fair. The middle ones were gone so Mark asked me to help him clean the pivot of the moss that was stopping some of the end sprinklers. 

Admittedly this is probably not OSHA approved but I think it is safer than using the ladder to get up there. 

The corn is getting taller but the weeds are keeping up. We work for 1-2 hours a day. It's coming. The garden is coming along slowly. It is much smaller this year but ok. Our vine plants are coming on strong and we have hope for some vine treats. Zuchinni are coming and Reed said he ate a tomato last week. 

The boys checking the little pullet chickens that will be egg producers. They grow a lot slower than Livy's meat chickens. Merle loves to be with his brothers. Nightly pig walking has started so every night we are in the barnyard checking animals and petting them. 

Addie cutting up another watermelon. She found a heart in this one. I told her God loves her and is showing her. 

 We keep busy, we work together, we sweat and laugh together. Sometimes the kids even go work elsewhere. One annual opportunity is hooding pheasants. They really enjoy the owners but the work is messy and not for the feint of heart. 

This group clips sunglasses on each pheasant so they don't attack each other. 
These kids catch each pheasant in the nets. That takes skill and dexterity. Life is good we are blessed. 

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