Wednesday, July 13, 2022

5.17.22 Farm Life

I never got back to this post so I'm adding it today. 
We have been very blessed this year to graze our cows on neighbors corns of their pivot fields or empty pastures. Bruce is laying in the lush weeds waiting for consumption. He gets to go with the big kids whenever they can catch him. 
Building fences. The rains were such a blessing and provided feed for several months. This saved us thousands of dollars in feed. 
He was also instructed to help level the pig pen. One thing about kids the busier they are the better they behave. 

Amazon boxes make fun forts. 
Andrea becoming more alert and attentive to what the kids are doing around her. 
To my dismay the new flip phones also have youtube capabilities thus a portion of each work session is watching movies or clips. I'm not thrilled with this addition. 
Addie trying out her play outfit. 
My two sweeties. He's always touching her. 
We have amazing sunsets. 

Addie removing some trees. As I have noted before she loves to burn. Tree removal is a great way to have a big big fire. Thankfully the elm trees are prolific producers and provide plenty of extra work all year round. 
Mark getting his cow tied up ready to move to our house. She did not follow like a fair cow but came without too much trouble. Just in time two she dropped her calf much to the kids delight right after they got home from school a few days later. It is so good to see life beginning. Additionally it delights Mark to see his cow and calf grow right here by our house. 
Bruce helping heard the cow. This was not mom condoned but happened none the less. 
Almost to the new green pasture. They sure wouldn't fight so much if they new how much better life was going to get. 
Uncle Jay visited and worked to establish a relationship with the boys. They enjoy his willingness to play.
I came home from an activity to find a birthday cake ready for Addie who was sure we had forgotten. Never! We sang and ate with her. Thanks to Aliza for saving the day. 

After a long day of working my two stubborn oxes enjoy a movie break. The kids are growing and becoming more and more capable. I'm thankful to have real things for them to do each day. I'm thankful to be a family. Maybe we are more like the cows than we realize fighting so hard against change when there is so much better ahead. We work to trust God, when these pictures were taken we were just starting to see Him providing water for this year. I'm thankful for His Grace and mindfulness we had a normal end of school which we missed for the last two years, we had time as we weren't fighting so hard to water crops. We had feed for cows which lessened the chore of shoveling hay to them day and night. Life is good. 

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