Friday, July 29, 2022

7.29.22 Summertime

One of the best parts of summertime is melons. Nothing is as good as juicy fruit after a long day of sweating and working. One quirk of my fmaily is loving the white part. They eat the red but the part they love is the pink to white part of the melon. Many do this. 

A few more pictures fromt he summer oasis called the family reunion. The hike.

Skipping rocks, swinging. 

And back at home wondering why we even try. Every year I need a lot of tomatoes to make gallons of spaghetti sauce. We work and wait and get what feels like very little. This year I added a fertilizer regimen. The plants was lush and bushy and then this. After some discussion I think it's drift from the spraying the weeds around the edges. We have enjoyed a few tomatoes thankfully the entire plant wasn't killed. 

And one more family reunion Reed and Bruce helped grandpa share a story from his childhood. 
Life goes on. It is hot and there is a lot to fight each other, the elements, the challenges, the moss, and each other. Not all is rosy. A lot of frustration with this mortal experience. A lot of time problem solving and teaching. A lot of time playing for the kids who hide from mom. I get very very mad and defeated. I do a lot of dishes and try to come up with nourishing, easy, no oven required meals day after day. I fill water jugs and make sure there is ice. I scrub and swish out muddy clothes getting them dry just in time for the next round of muddy clothes. Thankfully laundry dries so quick in the heat and wind we have this month. Everyone is tired everyone is happy. The kids discovered running through the sprinklers a few days ago it was a delight. We enjoy watching movies from the living scriptures service. All is well. 

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