Saturday, July 16, 2022

7.16.22 Learning

This summer our family seems to be in two groups. The older kids and the younger. Thankfully Aliza has helped tremendously with both. Whether running the older kids or crew bossing the younger she has made a huge difference in our ability to get things done. I'm trying to repeat lessons I think were good. Serving and noticing others is so important. We had the opportunity to share boquets of Lilies a few weeks ago. Everyone in the car got one or two vases to hold then they took turns delievering them to doors.

Millie asked how we knew where to go. I told her I prayed in my head and talked with Greg about it then we made a list and went, sometimes while we are driving around we change the plan a bit and go to a house not on the list. I love doing this you learn all kinds of things by just showing up. 

 Another important life skill is swimming. I'm trying to make it once a week. The second time was better than the first. The kids are getting more accustomed to the water. The water is cool! Wish they would let it get warmer. Oh well. 
It's finally happening she is getting big enough to play with. 
Every day all the art supplies come out and the kids draw, paint, and create together. It is a big mess some days bigger than others but a good use of their free time. 
I love their imaginations. I love their ability to clean up. We are blessed to have good health, companionship, and plenty. Life is good. 

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