Friday, July 15, 2022

7.15.22 Family Reunion

The family reunion this year was a little more spur of the moment this year. It wasn't really the best idea to go and we have a lot of animals not to mention  acres to be watching and caring for this time of year. Yet the long faces and sadness at memories not being made finally won over and at 8 pm Greg announced we were in fact going. The person who would watch the farm came at 9 and got a the tour of instructions. We loaded the car and ate dinner then got everyone inside and on the road by 10. We stopped in Twin Falls for the night and were awake at 6 thanks to Addie to get on the road again. We stopped for Breakfast supplies and fuel around 8. We paid 5.55 for a gallon of diesel. We headed onto Wyoming. It really is a beautiful place in the summer.  

When we got their the reuniting with cousin began. This year there were two scavenger hunts. One for nature items and one for people who shared similarities to you. Our Millie found she shares a birth month with her namesake Millie. 
There were some family history skits and stories. 
Baths at the end of the day heading to bed before it gets dark and more tired. This worked REALLY well to be prepared and in bed before dark. 

A lot of visiting I think this is prior to the hike up the nearby hill. It's cut straight up. 

Greg, cousin Brian, and Uncle Dave. 
In bed watching a movie winding down from a long day of fun!
Meanwhile outside Reed and Addie were asked to be part of a flag retirement ceremony. Uncle Rex is very patriotic and this was a special event. I'm thankful Reed was spared serious burns when some of the flags ignited with  more force than others. 
Breakfast the next morning was cold. Thankfully we had a barn to eat and gather in. And lots of hot chocolate. 
John all ready for church. 

We had a few minutes to spare so checked out the iconic Elkhorn Arch. That's a lot of horns. 

The kids made some new friends and enjoyed time with daily friends. Livy, Eloise, and Roselle
Addie took almost all these pictures she loves to capture the season she also loves chocolate bars. She was happy to have some extra energy. 
Millie scavenging for nature items. I did this with Bruce and Livy it was a great way to have the kids pay attention to their surroundings for a little while. 

As always Aliza was a great help. The shade was so pleasant as the sun seemed more intense at the higher elevation. 
The boys enjoyed the pond across the road. I'm teaching them staying covered is preferred to sun burns. Some listen some do not. 
Greg and Aunt Gwen. 
A kiddie pool started out as a fishing station but turned into a water fight. 
Corn hole was a competitive tournament. John just loves all the activities. 
Merle was delighted to find a truck just like home! That made his day the best. 

I almost threw in our big hats but we were so stuffed with all the camping gear, food, and people I did not. John found a way to improvise. 
Another game. These fun balls on strings disappeared surely none of these little hands took them elsewhere to play. 

Greg and Matt catching up. 
The huge bowl of candy was earned again and again as many times as you were willing to fill out the paper you got a large candy bar or 6 small ones. Chloe shown with Livy did it at least 4 times. 
Glad John is all about safety!
Cousin Tanner, John and redneck or not Mark. 

Visiting with my friend Corrine. I do love the chance to see how people are doing year by year. 
Greg and cousin Harold. Harold is very into fitness he is a hard worker like Greg. One of Greg's talents is reaching out and caring about his cousins. They know that yet are surprised then comforted when he is on the phone when they have problems. This is the power of family and one major drive of why we make the effort to attend year after year. Connections old and new. 
John with his abstract art he was very proud of. 
Addie and her BFF this year Jackie. Little kids really enjoy Addie and she usually finds one or two who loves to be her shadow. While these last pictures have Addie she really isn't a selfie person. She must have been cajoled into posing with the people she was shooting at that time. Whatever it takes to make sure all are counted. 
Steve, Addie Garret. She is fearless and bold getting pictures of everyone documenting they were there! Thus she has met everyone and knows a bit about them. I love that she has found a talent and is not afraid to use it. 
I was not thrilled to be driving 16 hours for a 24 hour visit. However now that we are home and a few days rested all is well it was fine. The kids look forward to time away, time with others and sleeping in a tent. We all survived and have another set of memories to add to the previous years. Life is good. Family is important! 
One important note is Addie was at the locations of the reunion while we set and visit and relax she is humming from one location to the next catching people mentally noting who needs to have a photo. She gets everyone. I mean literally she has a picture or two of every attendee I think this year she took about 500 pictures. She is amazing!!

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