Tuesday, July 12, 2022

7.12.22 4th of July festivities

The kids were up very early to put the silo on top of the silo. New this year are all the internet dishes but thankfully there was still room for the flag to show we love America.

A birds eye view of the farm. Looking mostly good. 

The sky is light at 6 they were up there before this. I love the energy and drive they exhibit when they want to do things. 
This was the motivator the fun run fundraiser for Addie's upcoming cross country adventure. The boys were at the rodeo grounds cleaning up the garbage and empty beverage containers which are worth a whopping .10 cents a piece to be recycled. That adds up fast and is a favorite fundraiser in this town. 

Getting ready to go and the race! Alivia, Millie, Afton, Bruce, Lia all raced. Mom had Andrea in the pack and Merle in the stroller. We went the 1 mile distance. 

I had invited others to participate as this is a fundraiser and with a $5 entry fee that was a pretty good deal. Although I was tired and would rather have stayed home we drug it out and hurried to town arriving just as the race was about to start. I found my friend and we began chatting. At first we walked very fast remember I was carrying a lot extra and do not as a rule do that ever when exercising. Thankfully we slwoed down a bit.

 The kids did very well. The local sports reporter captured their finishes. I was far behind but I think moving at least 50 extra pounds calls for some grace. 

This little lady took off with all the other racers. I could see her eventually as the crowd thinned but she was a good block or two ahead of me. I was fretting who let's their 3 year old run alone? At the turning point for the one mile a dog came out of no where barking at all in the race. Lia true to form was scared to death. Two people helped her manage the situation and from them on she stayed with them. I wondered who her new friends were. I could hear them asking her if she was ready to run again or to stop. She did well keeping up with them. 

After the race I introduced myself to find I knew the older lady she's a kindergarten teacher and so is use to watching out and interacting with younger children. Oh I am thankful for kind people who look out for my independent children.  As we were heading back to the car to load up some more vintage cars showed up for the car show. This was a want to do on Johns list for the day. The roadrunner is one of Greg's favorite classic cars. We took a picture and smiled at the driver. 
We hurried home to get ready for the rest of the day. Greg had headed into town for the activities. He and the older kids, Reed included who had stayed home to help Greg with chores, attended the car show and pancake breakfast. At home we waited and waited. Greg came ready to work some more I told the kids to hurry and get in the car after a brief heated exchange we all loaded up and headed to our next adventure for the day. 

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