Wednesday, July 13, 2022

7.13.22 4th of July Rodeo

The kids school sings at the rodeo, sells tickets at the entry booths, sells programs, and sold sno-cones. Additionally they clean up the grounds and gather and dispose of the garbage when the even is done every night. It is a busy 4 days. A picture taken with my sweet Addie. She is a busy willing worker. She does jobs completely and likes to earn money.
Of course a big part of the rodeo is snacks. The younger kids clamoring for GReg to take them to get food. 
Because we are all there we chose to clean the grounds the first night. I was busy helping and holding Andrea but we did the entire job ourselves. It wasn't as magical as before we missed our happy workers HArold and ANna but got the job done with the still learning younger set. 
The kids singing the national anthem. Livy was excited to sing but was absolutely captivated by the horses. 
The next morning was the annual church breakfast. We were delighted to meet the new sisters serving in our area. They were energetic and glowing. I remembered to snap a picture to send to their families. Those mean so much to me as a missionary mom. 
These two are pretty good at bouncing from one activity to the next. 
The two workers at the rodeo taking tickets and selling programs. I will miss Aliza mentoring and watching out for Addie. 

 That has been a unique new chapter to our family to have John, Mark, and Addie doing things along instead of in clusters like years past. John went to football camp solo. Mark went to FFA leadership camp solo, Addie girls camp alone. That's good to be an individual and yet there is something for sharing things with your siblings. Namely I got better reports of what happened to have two kids in the mix. New chapter even in the same story. Life is good!

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