Saturday, July 30, 2022

7.30.22 Little Mermaid Play

A few weeks ago my mom invited us to go to a play with her. I ended up going as I sent a large group. After the play with grandmas and aunt Mary. 
The kids did ok especially at the beginning. 

The kids were not prepared for what a live show is. They couldn't hear super well and were lost as to what was going on. All the fast movement of screens makes real life a little more challenging to follow. Thus we attempt these outings to learn and develop our brains. 
Before the play we did another round of flower delivery. 

 I enjoyed going to plays with my grandmother when I was young. I still enjoy plays I hope the kids eventually learn to appreciate theatre. Livy and Millie had a great experience. 

The ice cream at the end was a good wrap-up to the outing. Life goes fast these kids are getting big quicker than I can count. We are blessed. 

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