Sunday, July 31, 2022

7.31.22 Sleepy

Growing takes a lot of energy. Living farm life takes even more. Thankfully there is time to snooze. 
One major gift we have is togetherness. The you matter, you are important is personified in our home. 
In those tryign to be encouraging sign the what and who is missing.

There is a lot to be said to know to whom you belong, who you are part of, who cares about you, who knows your name and truly needs you. There is a lot to being wanted and loved. In this family in our particular situation of choosing to be self-employed with the repair shop and the farm we depend on our kids a lot. We are striving to make a life. We are hoping to teach integrity, dependability, responsibility which turn to self-worth, confidence, and courage. This is hard. This is good. This looks crazy, dirty, and maybe reckless. I have confidence in the process, I have to remind myself we can do this. We are blessed to live the life we chose. We are blessed with health and strength. We are blessed with energy and faith. We are blessed with smiles and abundance. We turn to God and know Him. We are loved. Life is good. 

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