Tuesday, January 10, 2023

1.10.23 Advancements

Mark was ordained a priest by Greg. John, Grandpa Lloyd &Bruce, along with Uncle Bryce did that. 

These two are almost the same size. I really appreciate Addie helping and being kind to Livy they are very different but Livy really admires Addie and thus the kindness in return is priceless to her. 
There was a lot of cup stacking and speech writing.
The kids worked all day on New years to take down a tree at a neighbors. This guy did all the tree cutting and the boys and girls picked up cut smaller and raked the results. They worked on this project about 10  hours 4 truckloads worth of wood were hauled away. I feel badly I didn't send food for the chainsaw guy. The owner was shocked they completed the whole tree and cleanup in one day. I told my crew he doesn't know what working with Greg is like. Greg's mantra "WE don't quit until the job is done." And he means it every.time.
We drew some pig pictures from an art tutorial then the kids colored them.

Livy and Millie did a horse tutorial on youtube. Livy on the bottom Millie on the top. I watched it too i was very impressed Livy got that much of a horse from the instructions offered. 
Lia always wants to hold Andrea. Andrea just wants to go. 

a back to school snack thanks to papa. The best stuff cheese and crackers and summer sausage. Kids were delighted.

Taking pictures because she is actually happy again. 6 teeth now and pretty independent. She loves to explore. Merle taught her to go down the stairs by dragging her feet down them all good lesson learned now she can go where she wants. 

 Silly Bruce. Life is good we are making it slowly but surely through these long always dark winter months. 

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