Monday, January 16, 2023

1.16.22 Teeth and lambs

These kids keep growing. Bruce reported a loose tooth a week ago. He wiggled it daily and finally this week it was loose enough. He wiggled and wiggled. Mark gave him instruction to pull and wiggle and twist. He tried this a few times and the tooth was more loose. Greg came home later and wiggled and pulled with him and finally the tooth popped out. 

We got a picture to document. 
Lia has such pretty hair. I tried to get a picture she of course stuck out her tongue and would not comply. 

During this long weekend we took a break and went to visit my sister and her little lambs. 

Andrea enjoyed crawling after them they moved faster than she on 4 limbs. She was of course toteing a doll so that may have slowed her down a bit. 
The kids had a ball with the fences and farm animals. 

We got to watch her feed the lambs. 
It was a nice break to our day and change of scenery. The grey days wear on and on. Thankfully Sunday and Monday were bright and sunny. The kids have worked outside most of the day on Monday. Even Sunday there was some final cow stuff. The cows left on Monday and while it's sad to see the revenue they generate go it's nice to have less responsibility. Some of the cows were here over 90 days. That's a record. We had less cows and a nice fall but there's little left on the ground because of the moisture and non frozen temperatures, thus they need to go elsewhere. Life is good and we are blessed continually. 

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