Wednesday, January 11, 2023

1.11.23 Days go by

The house is sure different on school days. These younger kids are growing up and gaining new skills but they are just a slower though messier pace than the older kids. Andrea is loving more food. She needs to learn to give herself drinks from a cup or bottle. She prefers assistance. 

One morning I went down to find the sleepy heads and found them all in bed looking through a where's waldo book from Christmas. Bruce is so good with these challenges. 
He also loves to be the big brother. These two are constantly wrestling, playing, chasing, and fighting each other. Bruce also loves his picture taken to share iwth his older sisters. 

He also took up stacking cups. And the best part of those big towers is knocking them down! 
The break gave us a few minutes more with dad. These two are always on his lap. He's so patient to always be holding someone when he comes home. 
Andrea and I attended relief society on Sunday. I haven't been to adult classes for about 6 years. She enjoyed taking the books off the shelves and the vent. 
One morning we got up early and headed to the school for the semester awards assembly. This year added bonus was our Marvin cousins. The kids were pretty good and stayed calm for the duration.
Afton got awards for completing a lot of lessons. She is working hard this and finding her groove for school this year. 

Amelia got several awards for being the top reader. She eats up time holding Andrea so she can read. 

We appreciate the recognition that provides motivation for the kids to keep working hard. We keep working to learn and grow. Life is good and we are blessed. 

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