Tuesday, January 31, 2023

1.31.23 So blessed

 I had another doctor appointment last week. I'm just patiently waiting for each next doctor appointment. This one was such a relief. I had made a list of worries and questions. The doctor patiently and thoroughly answered each query I posed. Her explanations further solidified my peace and hope that this is just an experience to pass through. I'm looking at it like a C-section, which I survived just fine. 

This will not be life ending, this is not genetic thus my siblings and children will not necessarily also have this experience. This is not urgent, if it is cancer it is slow growing. That word cancer really was hard to say. It gripped my heart and mind and whipped them from here to there. In our church congregation we knew and watched several battle for years and eventually succumb to their respective cancers. In the days prior to the visit I had to get ahold of my heart and mind and anchor in the me now. In the today. Today I have this to do. Today I am not dying. Today I am healthy. Today I will do what I need to. I will not worry about the tomorrow in the future I will not cry about the maybe I will be in what I know today. 

So next appointment in two weeks with the surgeon who thankfully I have been okayed to work with in Boise. I was thinking I may have to go to Portland Oregon to the university hospital but so much more convenient and supported is Boise. Greg is not a doctor or hospital fan ... I know this and I'm trying to make this is as smooth and comfortable for my large family as possible. I will be more at ease knowing they are peaceful. 

I got word yesterday that Anna will be released on March 29th. I hope to have completed the surgery before then but will see after talking with the surgeon. I am aware of the many blessings that are mine and the many prayers offered in my behalf. Thank you. It will all be ok! And today I have enough to do. Life is grand and I am blessed!

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