Tuesday, January 24, 2023

1.24.23 Addie and Livy

One of the teachers loves to assign large artistic projects for the end of each quarter. I am finding Addie's large brain needs lots and lots of outlets. She helped Livy create the illustrated box. Livy is a willing student learning from Addie and dutifully working for her approval. 
The completed box. They had to paint a representative picture for several characters in the book and then find a quote that supported the  picture. 

 The busy Addie also started her 2023 speaking schedule with the American Legion contest. She had a surprising amount memorized and after loosing her spot once recovered and moved on. All this shall be added to your experience. I'm so pleased she is willing to challenge herself. She will improve each day this week as she competes in each. Tuesday with soil and water then thursday with chapter. The kids started earlier and have put in more time polishing and considering their topics. 

She is finding her balance and flow on stage in front of people. I was excited to see double the number of people at the local legion as last year. This contest has sparked new life in that organization. They awarded Addie more money than Aliza got, which was generous and welcome as Addie is very motivated by money. 
A quick fuel up before she went. We still have to figure out her hair. It's funny to listen to Livy scold Addie for not liking make-up and passing on the opportunity to wear jewelry especially ear rings. Oh well to each their own. Life is good. I'm thankful this lady is finally finding her spot to become her best self. She needs A Lot going on to use all her resources. I let her be and listen when she shares and she is happy and helpful. We are blessed!

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