Tuesday, January 31, 2023

1.31.23 A potato Party

Mark and John shared that there was a rumored potato project happening in town and that anyone that wanted to work would be paid $20 and hour for emptying French fried. Greg made some calls and verified this was true. Mark and John went to work. We called a while later and again confirmed any who wanted to work were welcome. We got some warm clothes and boots on and loaded up in the van. This is what we found. We worked for an hour on Friday. 

Merle and Lia weren't a lot of help with the emptying bags but they were good at carrying boxes. So we walked back and forth feeding the fire. 

When the boxes were empty everyone pitched in. The young men worked to carry the most boxes in one trip. 

Merle was a bit tired but he and Lia had worked steady and I was pleased with their effort. 
The next day we worked on dumping hashbrowns. This was harder than fries. We put in 4 hours on Saturday. Merle and Lia were not so happy at this project. 
We had taken lunch to the boys but couldn't leave when we saw 2 semis and only about 12 people. It takes  alot of time to open the boxes split the bags and close the box with the bag inside. We were thankful for the bacon gift as fried rice is one of our favorite meals. 
Addie was tackling this project sorting through our piles of coats and winter gear. Removing me from stopping her purging helps the project get done and truly we have to get rid of somethings or we won't be able to move. 
Of course after church we had to sample the fries. They were delicious. We never order fries when we eat out so this was a special treat. 

 The 6 lb bag was just right for our hungry crew. Mark dutifully cooked and cooked so everyone got their fill. The story is there was a live fly in two of the train cars so the entire shipment was condemned. Now it must be understood the fries are in sealed plastic bags, in a glued together cardboard box which is then wrapped in plastic wrap. Flies do not bore and eat into those protections. The amount of waste is staggering. Thankfully we live in an animal area so 99% will be fed to animals. 

I am thankful to have time and opportunity to work with my kids to help them stay engaged. All the other workers were kind and helpful in working with us. They would drop boxes off the stacks for us to open on the ground. They didn't throw boxes on us. They let us dump their open bags, the visited with the kids. It was a good experience. The girls want to use their money for horse riding lessons this summer. It's so good to be able to earn the money or things you want to do. Life is good we didn't freeze in the blowing snow and the opening of frozen food, and we didn't blow away in the wind. All survived and are better for it. We are blessed. 

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