Tuesday, January 17, 2023

1.17.23 Wheel in Motion

 I've been struck to the core about the story of the wise men. How quite possibly the prophet Daniel prophesied of a start to appear in the heavens. How the people that followed watched for over 100 years for that sign. How the wise men were still looking and thus saw the sign and followed that start. Then they had the holy ghost help them find the exact location of the Christ Child, who would then need to flee to Egypt. The very gifts the wise men brought funded that flight. I love how many people and pieces had to be in play for all of this saving to happen. 

Years ago my dad started his annual tradition of the Memorial day day picnic. He invited all family that lived within a 70 mile radius and others that lived far away. The first one was full of trepidation but some serious healing happened over fried chicken and potluck salad and dessert. The years since have provided opportunity to visit and keep up with various family members. Lots of kids have been added, a few have passed on and the numbers ebb and flow. These are my family. 

With this new health challenge the fear bubbles up at so many unexpected times and ways. I've been immensely thankful to be able to ask my cousins how they handled their own experience with thyroid removal. Their words have been deeply comforting. Their very existence gives my strength. 

I'm thankful my dad had the inspiration to put this together. I'm thankful for my mom and sisters efforts in putting the show on. I'm thankful we make it a point to go. I'm more touched by the concern of these people and their prayers for me. All in all this is the good stuff. I'm grateful my dad followed the prompting to reunite the family and prepare relationships that would be needed farther down the road. Life is good and we are blessed in the past, in the now, and in the future. 

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