Monday, January 30, 2023

1.29.23 FFA speaking

Last week started off the speaking season in a major way. Tuesday was the first round with the soil and water conservation district. These two were ready to roll and spoke very well. This evening was a superb teaching and learning experience for the kids. They were able to watch each other present and then answer questions. 
Our friend Riley also competed that night. 
At the end of the night all the kids lined up for a picture. After the smiles the awards were given. First off every contestant was gifted a $20.00 certificate to the local A & W by the judges. Then the placings Mark was 3rd, the young man on the left was 2nd, and Riley placed 1st. 

The next day Mark and Addie participated in the district officer election process. Addie was on the nominating committee and learned a lot, then Mark was running and ended up as the alternate. 
Thursday after a full day of doctors and shopping Addie won Creed speaking. Mark, John, Addie and Riley were the only speakers in their divisions. 
Every night we listen to speeches. We try to think of a question or two, we encourage animation, hand movement. No doubt about it we are busy in the evenings. Sometimes I'm sleeping, sometimes I'm wide awake. The kids have spoken at the 4-h meeting, they are going to the Lions club this week and talking with the toastmasters. Life is full of learning. They are great kids and we appreciate the support and encouragement of family and friends and community members.  

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