Monday, January 23, 2023

1.23.23 Pictures to paint and a full Sunday

One goal of mine is to learn to paint. I spend a lot of time watching tutorials trying to find what I want to attempt. Afton was the lone big kid last week while her sisters attended their art class. She's in a tough spot right now trying to make sense of the ever increasing expectations at school and being slightly lost in the swirl of academics. We skipped the dishes and the dinner and painted a lion together. Lions are her favorite animal right now. I'm so thankful for the many artists who have provided tutorials that allow for success. I'm thankful for time to spend with her doing what she wanted. 

Then I made dinner. We were blessed with some red, yukon, and russet potatoes. As food prices sky rocket and eating desires remain staples like these are doubly appreciated. 
We now have early church. Trying to make constructive use of the long Sunday afternoon is a weekly challenge. My friend shared she was going to paint a valentines decoration. I'm not much of a heart person but I thought that sounded like a good idea for the many busy hands I have in my house. Thus each kid got to design a new decoration picture for our house. 
Merle and Lia painted in hearts I drew for them. 

Afton and Bruce painted heart trees. 

Livy and Millie worked independently on designs of their choice. This was a big project for one mom to take on. 

 I love her get it done ability. Art classes have helped her and Millie learn technique and color. It has also helped them know a great lady who is inspiring and encouraging. I lament we don't do piano, that's all on me I'm not willing to throw money at such a daily fight and power struggle between my girls and me. So art it is.  

Millie finished our evening with a depression era crazy cake. It was delicious despite having no eggs or butter or milk! Sad we are entering into depression/war style living with groceries being too expensive to indulge in more than necessary. Dessert is not necessary. 
Andrea loves chocolate and approved of the cake!
The guys came late to dinner as usual. A cow had got stuck in a deep hole filled with manure and thus they spent hours pulling shoveling and cajoling her out. They reeked of manure. No meal is made better with that smell around. So they scrubbed, wiped, and washed the mess to make our house pleasant again. Andrea enjoyed getting tomatoes from her dad for a night time snack. She's absolutely charming right now. We are sure thankful for her. 

And that's a wrap a long stake conference. Kids who were just too tired to sit through it. Home to watch church movies till their brains fall out, a family meeting that was chaotic and loud yet punctuated by some powerful truths of staying close to God no matter what. I'm thankful for opportunities to teach and work with my kids. After the youngers were finally in bed we spent an hour with the high schoolers hearing speeches, and the state degree slide show, asking questions and learning together. Life is good and full and for that I am thankful!

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