Tuesday, January 10, 2023

1.10.23 Christmas break

Andrea adored more time with her brothers during the break. 
We had a bit of snow which helped complete the Christmas picture. 
The old washer finally refused to turn on so after some looking and the reality that we had to have a washing machine I bought a speed queen. While measuring the car I left the keys inside it when I returned to the store for more questions. Finding myslef locked out I waited an hour or more for GReg to come rescue me. We got some fries and pie and parts to adjust the plumbing we anticipated also being worn out. 
The next day these awesome kids got the washer installed. They never cease to amaze me with their ability to compelte tasks. I asked Matt to help Reed build me a pedestal. I love the higher drum!!! 

Addie managed the hook up behind the machine. I was super thankful when she extricated herself from the tight spot she was in. Andrea loves the open cabinets. She unloads them daily. 
I spent a considerable amount of time measuring and shopping for new cabinets. Yet we decided Greg's safety was more important than closed shelves so he has a hoist coming for the shop in the next few months. 
Millie is becoming more capable in the kitchen. 
We tried a new painting technique dotting with cotton balls. Merle is filling in a tractor outline. Lia had some animals and ornaments. 
We also worked on the septic system that was plugged and not draining well. Again thankful for the can do skills of the kiddos and their dad. 
Adding water to help flush the system. 
Life is good. We aren't exciting or even entertaining but we are always busy. I'm thankful for days that don't hold a lot of problems. I'm thankful for people around me who can solve problems. We make do and make things last. Life is better together for sure. We enjoyed time to watch movies, we adore old Disney and lack of early morning alarms. We are thankful.

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