Friday, August 9, 2019

8.09.19 Hummingbird nest

Uncle Bryce has been working to tame the trees here at the farm. As a result a lot of branches have come down. A few nights ago I looked up the road to where the kids were suppose to be clearing limbs and found them all huddled looking down. They had found a nest with new baby birds and were observing the naked animals squawk and call for their absent mother. John picked up the birds they sure look ugly as helpless babies. They had to put them back and walk away there was nothing we could do. 
A few nights later Livy nad Reed came running in with this treasure. 

It's a humming bird nest. The hole is about big enough for a golf ball. See the droppings all along the edge? We had spotted a hummingbird at our window while we were eating this week and had decided to learn about them. We watched some informational videos on youtube and learned about how the droppings are from the babies sitting on the edges waiting to develop enough to fly. The kids remembered and were amazed to find a nest so perfectly intact. I love learning with my kids and love when they remember! Hummingbird eggs are the size of marbles. I didn't believe it when we heard it but seeing the actual nest in real life yep that's all that would fit. Earth is amazing and learning about our world is fascinating. Life is good.

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