Wednesday, August 21, 2019

8.21.19 Love at home

The prophet Russel M. Nelson gave this promise and blessing
"I promise that as your efforts to worship Heavenly Father in your home will sanctify your home, providing the protection from the adversary that is intended in 'home-centered, church supported' instruction." 
We make every effort to have a weekly family meeting. This is what it looks like. casual, together, full. 

After  the rousing time together we move on in our day, generally rubbing shoulders working together on dinner, dishes, and chores. We mostly are slower and spend a little more time visiting and listening to each other. Reed's garden bounty, not the water melon yet but several are coming along nicely.

He was sharing his pet chicken with Lia. This poor baby is the only survivor of its family, so Reed is enjoying having it as a pet. Thank you fair 2019 chickens can be pets.

Reed may just lose an eye in this process. We admonished him to never put the chicken close to his eyes again.

While sitting playing with the chicken we could here a general singing noise. Unsure we figured the little girls must be walking home. As the noise got louder we went to investigate and found a crew and a calf. The girls were providing distraction to the leery calf being brought up to greener pastures to try to get some meat on it's bones. IT's a little heifer part of twin pair who has failed to thrive due to it's small size and lack of feed capacity at the farm. The younger kids love to go to the arm with their dad. You never know what adventure awaits when off with dad.

We had missed some pickings of zucchini and I harvested this abundance to let more grow. We love chocolate zucchini bread so this is a mouthwatering problem.

Life is good and we are thankful for prophets who continue to guide and share protective counsel and wisdom. As we take the counsel and adapt it to our family we are blessed with unity and cherished memories.

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