Thursday, August 29, 2019

8.29.19 Weekend

I have so many pictures of the older bunch similarly posed but realized I needed one of this younger group also riding with dad. Headed up to Uncle Matt;s Birthday party. 

Took a personal day with my master organizer and cleaned most of my room. I love books but got rid of over twenty and washed them all. Living in the country the dirt can literally bury you if you aren't semi-committed to getting it back outside. I feel good everytime I look at this one organized clean spot in my house. Just one but there is one. 

Anna's high school post forever and ever Amen! Chained to the computer trudging through endless homework.

John taking a turn with little Lia who is so loved she mostly only sleeps when held by someone. Anyone who lives here is ok. I left her with grandma for a while. Grandma had to leave Uncle Jay was left with her, Bruce and Afton. Even though Lia was very tired she would not stay with Jay instead she allowed Afton to snuggle her to sleep. So cute!

And what to do when mom won't make more zucchini bread that day? Zucchini weapons or shields. Life is so abundant on the farm we play with our food.

Harold showing off his best of show buckle from the county fair. He proudly wears this beauty everyday. Fair was very good to our family. 
He too is always at the table doing homework. My kids are striving to be better informed and more industrious. I'm pleased they are able to complete what they start. And my heart is full as is my table whether it be with papers nad books, dishes and food, or just kids coloring or working. Life is good.

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