Thursday, August 22, 2019

8.22.19 Back to school

There were only two parents I spoke with prior to school starting that were not excited about back to school. Both are ranch families. There's a lot of agriculture happening right now and school is a long day of missed opportunity. Couples with all the responsibilities that go with those days and long hours of transportation it's not a fun occurrence. Yet several of these kiddos were SUPER excited to go to school! You may be able to pick them out based on the huge smiles. 

Three days in and we are not settled yet. As I wander or rush through my quiet house accompanied by the chorus of cries, or sounds of crashing, or finding new spills of food I miss my big kids, they are my friends and companions. The younger group is set to learn some more independence and chore ability, we are going to read stories and learn to obey. We take life a little slower and work on different projects together.

Like canning peaches. Afton was a stalwart. She is a good little worker and mostly just gets frustrated that I don't trust her to do more of the steps. She and Bruce are having to learn to work with each other.
They are both pretty determined to have what they want and are going to learn to stop biting when they don't get what they want. Life is good, we read some stories yesterday it's been a long time since that happened. And I'm getting to know my husband again via phone calls. Our entire relationship has been 90% long distance or phone conversations. Thank goodness for that means of communication. I'm always so thankful I still really like him when we reconnect. The busyness of trying to keep all 9 going and growing was a constant battle, so to only have 3 to keep track of -the worries and concerns of school not withstanding, is a hard brake to my brain. Life is good I'm thankful for all the motion of the people in my home. I just hope and pray the crying and fighting of these three still here will calm down soon.

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