Friday, August 9, 2019

8.9.19 Summer setting

We are getting to the sunset of summer. The days are quickly winding down and we are furiously working towards getting ready for back to school. Routine, schedule, individual learning and accountability to people outside my home with their own agendas... it's a good and detestable change of the days. 

This kid continues to be a great gardner. He has been keeping us stocked with zuchini and tomatoes. I sure love his dedication and ability. We quickly pull weeds one or two nights a week and have managed to not be totally over run.

I made the first school supply shopping run and thus we had to color with new crayons. I admit I love new sharp crayons. I can't complain too much seeing the positive energy flow here. Bruce was so proud of his work. It's always fun to watch them learn and grow.

We are back on antibiotics for another strep outbreak at our house. Amongst all the stress of getting all the pieces and parts each kid needs this was not good news. Yet, I should have known I ignored Livy saying it hurt to swallow last week, and now Afton is sleeping a lot and crying more so I should have known. Oh well thank goodness for antibiotics.
You would think that with all these people one would never be alone. That's the case and yet not. As I wallowed through high school registration it was intensely lonely. I have never been one to just accept the beaten path and thus am trying to push, pull, shove, coax, bribe, my children to also go above and beyond or out of bounds into higher pursuits. This is tricky with all the different personalities here. Some have done really well, some have melted down, some have been ignored. Yet as I sat trying to puzzle through problems caused by this over stretching, it was lonely. Social situations often are. Isn't that weird?
I came home to cool off, and after doing some other necessities I looked again at the problem schedule. It was a problem because there were no academic required courses on it, it was purely technical and physical education. Yet as I looked again clear as day the answer came complete with time slots and how the plan would work. I knew it was heavenly inspiration and I was so thankful for such a clear answer to such a worried about problem. The kid in question has worked hard everyday this summer learning independently here at home so they could get into the desired technical classes. I'm surprised and pleased with their effort!
Lesson learned- do your part, take a step back from the obvious and let God work. The take a step back I'm working to embrace more often. One time success! Life is good,

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