Tuesday, August 6, 2019

8.6.19 Fair prep

I decided we could participate more fully in the fair this year. I have been worried seeing the exhibits go down in number each year and figured we were going anyway we just needed some more preparation and we could help raise the numbers. Item number one wheat sheaves.

 I have fond memories of making wheat sheaves in the shade after taking truckloads of wheat to the dump. My Corn grandparents both helped me make my first one. It was the best I ever did. At least 4 inches of tightly packed wheat papa picked and grandma assembled as I Held and kept handing her the shape of wheat head she requested. After that grand experience making wheat sheaves became a must for fair participation. Anna and HArold each got instructions. 

I helped Harold more than Anna. He got a first she got a second. I should have helped them more equally.

We borrowed a cage from the neighbors to transport the market chickens to fair. First thing the younger kids locked Bruce in the cage. He was happy about the game and did not want out.

Part of mortality is eating. It costs a lot to feed this many people and way too much to feed them all fair food. So I dutifully set out making 20 sandwiches and prepping vegetables and fruit for lunch sustenance.

On Monday morning I woke the little girls up one by one to make something with them that they could enter. Afton made chocolate chip cookies

Millie made cupcakes and whole wheat bread.

Livy made banana bread. The kids had so much fun going to the fair everyday. 

And we fell in love with speed the sheep! He was so soft!!

Harold got reserve best of show for his artwork. he made the frame and burned it in ag.

Aliza got a first but nothing else. She was very disappointed.

The little girls made a new friend right away. annie was just their age and had a bunny of her own. She was so fun!

After a long day of back and forth GReg and I went to town again and looked back to find a surprise in our car. We are not animal people, ha ha. Well not people that let animals in our people spaces. The dog was super happy in the a/c digesting whatever snacks he found in our car. We laughed and laughed about a dog being IN the car with Greg.

And a gorgeou sunset shot taken by my budding photographer girls. They have a desire to capture the beauty they see with photos. My grandma would smile at their artistic talent. We were on the brink of the abyss of fair and yet all was good as we enjoyed family dinner with my parents and breathed a big deep breath before the hustle and bustle of showing, washing, and wallowing with our animals and each other for the week of fair.

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