Wednesday, August 21, 2019

8.21.19 The LIttles

Summer is tucked away and I have a bit more time with all the big kids gone so I will try to catch up blogging. This lady is having a hard time adjusting to no entertainment crew. She loves her perch atop Reed's head. She has great balance and he is a quick ride anywhere. He is sweet with her and makes sure is in the thick of the action. 

Brucey doesn't see life from above much any more but he is busy at the dirt level having a great time being a kid.

Lia also mastered standing and is walking atleast 6 steps at a time now.

While she hasn't mastered running wiht a dump truck yet she was not about to just sit and watch all the activity. She bear crawled along with the best and happily got covered in dirt.

Some days she is happily covered in water. Between LIvy and Reed the kids had an old fashioned summer of dirt water and imagining. It's nice to be back on a schedule, not nice to deal with all the emotions and homework of each day and very lonely here at home.

I never know where I will find Lia, this was taken the day after fair. Harold loves his time with Lia, and she loves him.

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