Monday, August 5, 2019

8.5.19 Court of Honor & Flags

One of the biggest knowledge/skill sets our family has gained from our time with boy scouts is flag ettiquet. We have been to so many flag ceremonies. From little guys to big serious military guys we have learned how to respect the flag. We have retired flags, set flags, folded flags, and pledged flags on a regular basis. I'm going to miss this and wonder how Bruce and LIa and Afton will get this education. Patriotism is a dying artform and I'm sad that this part of life will be missing come January. 

JOhn is now a first class scout. He also received several awards from scout camp. Which turned out to be a pretty awesome week away from home. He and Mark were very skeptical going in to the week but I kept promising it would be worth the time. They came back very happy they had chosen to go.

Getting pinned always an adventure with my silly sons.

Another night to rest.

Scouting has been a good use of our time. We have gotten to be cookie experts and had some fun adventures. The boys have had exposure to camping, hiking, and fishing that is just not part of Greg and I's skill set. They have been valued for their skills in kindness, knot tying, endurance, and wit. They have gained knowledge and moved farther on their journey to becoming men. We will be glad to be done with scouts and yet miss it too. Life goes on and moves fast we are excited to be part of the new program too.

1 comment:

  1. I love scouting and I love your boys! John is actually a Star Scout. ;)
