Tuesday, August 6, 2019

8.6.19 Dairy Cows, pigs, sheep

We jumped into fair with all feet! Addie was not able to show what she though was her pig because of some clericial erros on our part. We did not call a pig the family pig and when her pig died in the days between it just didn't meet all the time requirements. I was not about to throw a parent fit at the check-in so she cried in my arms and we moved on. 
So Addie helped show dairy cows. There are a lot of dairy classes and so she had a busy morning in borrowed white pants learning some bovine skills. 

Reed is our pig man. He loves those pigs and spent 80% of his time at fair in the pig pen scratching and rubbing the pigs. He is sad to see them gone.

Aliza was a great showman. We learned too late that the breeder we bought the pig from loved the lines of her pig, we could have bred her for more piggies. Alas that would be too intense but she was a good pig nonetheless.

 Harold is always a happy camper and was thrilled to be showing pigs again. He didn't do as well as Aliza but won many other prizes so it was a good week for him too.

Because of the pig deaths Anna moved on to a sheep. She really enjoyed this experience and gained personal insights into how special it is to be called lambs of the Savior and how He is our good sheperd. That is not a light example. Sheep are very trusting of their masters. 

I had never seen this aggressive posing with sheep. I mistakenly told her to tone it down a bit so she didn't place as high the next day. After seeing the winner who works the sheep and herself I realized I made another mistake and Anna was on the right track.

She was intent on showing her sheep well and was rewarded with top of her showmanship class.

It was a big year of learning. The kids represented themselves well and earned some awards and mostly more self-confidence. They gained more friends and tucked away life lessons in who and how they want to be. They were much more on their own this year and handled the added freedom well. Mostly we got compliments of how hard working, service minded, and responsible they were. They had some squabbles but overall we are very pleased with their maturity and efforts. Life is good!

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