Wednesday, August 28, 2019

8.28.19 A family that prays together stays together

Did you know that was an advertising slogan in the 30's and 40's? Maybe earlier maybe later but on a radio show called the family story hour that was the beginning and end comment. One day we got a text asking for prayers as the forecast called for large violent hail. All the wheat was not combined and this was a big concern for our grandparents. We huddled the troops and said a prayer or two. 

We also went and picked a lot of corn. Harvest unfortunately coincided with fair this year but we got done what we could and will just make the best of what we did. I know from years past the Lord blesses our meager efforts.

LEgos! The bain of my walking. They are everywhere in my house but will entertain boys and girls for so many hours, wait so would doing what mom asked.... the quiet hiding is a problem but bonding is good. Ah the tug and pull or responsibility vs. learning. Sometimes we work and sometimes we play.

A favorite use for zucchini. Chocolate zucchini bread. I can't make enough of this stuff. It disappears in a flash. Healthy food I'm sure whole wheat and vegetables perfect summer food. REed is inhaling waiting for it to cool a little before eating it all.

The crew left at home second day of school. So few yet so busy and messy. Last night Lia and Bruce had a ball playing in the sugar bucket while I canned peaches. My hands were too sticky to take a picture but they had a great time pouring and tasting.

One of the benefits of earning your own way is getting what you want. Aliza loves water bottles so she got a new one.

John loves smelly stuff so he got body wash.

And we had a nice outing to the orchard to pick peaches and eat peaches and then to eat blackberries.

We saw and watched other kids htere who were riding or waiting on their parents. I am so thankful and insistent that my kids help with their food. They are pretty good little workers and I for sure could never do it alone. Life is good with a fresh sun ripened peach dripping from your hands and promise of juicy sweet blackberries with no thorns dancing in your head. Sweet sweet summer adventures!

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