Wednesday, August 28, 2019

8.22.19 Good intentions

I worked and worked to get the last of the peaches done that we had picked last week. After finally bottling a measly 17 bottles I was sad to see that some had not sealed. I did not want to waste all that hard work so I cleaned the lids and rings and put them in again to process. It worked and all 17 sealed! After cooling for a day it was time to bring jars in. My little helpers love to haul things in trucks and it was my idea to have them haul jars to me. I didn't get to give them that instruction before I heard the trucks rolling and was smiling as one full sticky jar flew off the back of the truck and splintered everywhere. See the blood? Afton sustained two cuts on her feet and I had a mess to clean up. 

Ahh good intention that turned into a big mess. That seems to be the theme for the day. What seemed like a good idea has become problems and a lot of extra work. Trying to breathe deep and take a step back.
 I asked a friend how to be an interesting adult because my kids are gone and I don't want to helicopter, lawn mower parent them so maybe  I need some other interests? She suggested I was looking to find myself. I told her no not really just looking for some hobbies. Maybe it's the same thing?
As I've pondered that question over the past week I've come to some conclusions. I love being a mom, this transition back to school is always rough because of the long day of separation and the many worries and work requirements on them and me. This is a busy time of year, our family cans and thrives on working together... I have come to admit who I am in the last year that I really do enjoy this motherhood experience it's not just a responsibility or a commandment but a real joy in my life.
I really love reasons to just sit and snuggle my big little lady in a blanket in the morning. I love her insistence to be near me and the cute very advanced, albeit demanding, little person she is.

I love this funny guy. He quietly raids his brother's secret stashes of boy stuff. Knives, lego parts, cash reserves, candy, cars he is happy to be free to explore and has learned to use a key in a lock so that's not safe anymore. He was eating his shrimp for lunch sitting on a box of eggs. I asked if he was practicing being a chicken? He is also super responsible repacking the eggs in cartons of twelve Lia was not a good helper with this and broke several eggs.

But I love this time. It is stressful, lonely, and overwhelming and it is fun, and loving, and so fulfilling. So with the bad comes the good. The broken jars and eggs and the preserved sweetness and jobs well done. Life is good the secret is to just keep going. 

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