Saturday, August 10, 2019

8.10.19 A Peach Parable

6 a.m. comes quickly around these parts. That was the time one of our church leaders decided we would go pick peaches! We had it on our calendar and alarms and spoke of it all week. Yet, on the assigned morning we were up at 6:20 and didn't make it out the door until almost 8. We tried to find out if they were done or not, no one texted back. So we drove with intention and passed the first car of friends just as we were pulling in to the orchard. We held our heads high and smiled in shame as we admitted we were late. We are known for that trait. I promise walking just myself and even half of this crew out the door I can be on time even early. The reluctant other half makes us late! 
I decided we could work for a while so got the kids, all 10, HArold stayed to work with Greg and Lia was sleeping, and we picked peaches for a while. The kids quickly lost interest, but we had dumped a load in one bin, then another load in another bin, and another load in yet a different bin. Thus we had to top off two. Or change some grumbling to working...which was more my intention to teach them grumbling and quitting doesn't win. Gotta work to leave.  
We worked longer than they wanted, the little kids were the most enthusiastic, I love that all can do some at the orchard. MArk used the biggest bucket and did a great job. We filled two bins. 

Before they left a kind ward member said you can sure tell where people thinned the peaches are huge. We quickly learned this to be true. And as I tried to think of pleasant things instead of my kids stubbornness, I realized this could be a powerful life lesson. Where there is less there is larger fruit. They tree is not broken and life is healthy. Oh man lots of wisdom there.

I feel like the tree above often. Lots of little fruit. Am I focusing on the important things, are we growing big fruit? Am I about to brake and lay on the ground fruit wasted?

Perfectly thinned and big fruit. It was so hard to thin these trees to throw so much fruit on the ground yet the result is what I want to buy. Big luscious peaches! Now to look at my family life and thin what is not necessary.
The other thing I learned that if we went to a "fun activity" say an amusement park the kids would have various levels of fun, boredom, sickness, but at work activities they can all equally succeed, feel picked on, and be challenged. As Aliza said "Mom doesn't care one bit about us being amused..." If she could only read my mind. Oh well, I do love working together with my capable family.

After the picking we went back to school shoe and clothes shopping. We survived! I had told the kids in June they were going to buy their own clothes, shoes, and supplies this year. This was a first. But it has been hugely motivating and they have worked hard and been blessed to work this summer. 
 Thus when we got home I began tallying bills. I was honestly shocked at how much it takes. My husband is an amazing provider! I don't pay much attention because it's a must to outfit and shoe them.
We went to Big 5 for shoes, only found some for the boys, then Ross and found some for the grade school girls, then Deseret Industries. The best line of today was John saying "I budgeted $10.00 for shirts, these cost 7 so I have three to spend..." He bought two books from an author he likes, and a movie.
I've been having the kids watch the Dave Ramsey personal finance class and he caught the budgeting part! So happy!
SLowly but surely we are working through the different sizes, styles, preferences, budgets etc. And we are blessed as always to find what we need/want and at prices we can stomach. Life is good just gotta keep breathing!

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