Friday, April 28, 2017

4.28.17 Funny Kids

The promise of the future is alive and doing very well at my house. This spring has been tempered with a lot of rain and blustery spring weather. While we enjoy the green of our surroundings we are getting a little cabin fever! So when the sun shines we head out to work and play and snap pictures of the strong imaginations and team work happening. 

Watching me prepare something to eat. They love to observe. A more solid piano use to hold this spot giving them a good solid perch to observe from. These days they hang as shown observing

My big helper boss!

I came into my room to put laundry away and found Afton reading my Stephen Ambrose book getting ready to nap. Kids are such amazing copy cats.

Reed showing his prize winning bridge. His bridge held the most weight off all the bridges in the 1-2 grade classroom. This might not be fair to the other kids as Reed has watched and been part of bridge building here fro the past 3 years. So good for him to have school success though as this has not been an easy year for him. Yet he is happy after school and has enjoyed the independence of the experience.

It was raining yesterday but that didn't stop this troop. They booted up and threw on some sun hats and went to tour the farmyard. They are so inquisitive and comical. They make me smile and groan.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

4.27.17 Cousin Time

Whenever I see pictures of this cute large group of kids I just smile! My children are blessed to be part of such a kind energetic group. It has been a pleasure to have children in the same years as my sisters and in-laws. My kids have friends on both sides who they truly enjoy getting together with.  I truly enjoy being able to share the mom journey with these talented, spiritual, funny sisters of mine. Last week we enjoyed a birthday party for our cousin Trey. 

The 5 year olds are tall! Although this cute guy doesn't talk to adults much I hear him talking to Livy she loves playing with him. 

The two on the right will be 4 this year the one of the left is about 16 but disgustedly only 3, she keeps up just fine though not much passes her by!

Another sweetie who is so gentle and fun, added bonus a red head cousin!! My mom always hoped for red headed children but instead got a lot of red headed grandchildren.

And on the way home Bruce somehow managed to hold the watermelon we did not eat for lunch. He doesn't look to upset by that occurrence.

And my camera girl. She loves to snap pictures. I love her innocence and insight. She is a deep thinker and sometimes a stinker. Today I'm so thankful for each one of these cuties in my home and for the strong family support we enjoy.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

4.26.17 A Random Act of Kindness

Last week while we were shopping, just me and the 4 little kids we had an unexpected first. We were in the checkout. I had Bruce strapped on my front and the little girls were helping bag and wandering around. A kind African couple was in the next lane. The man noticed us and smiled. I continued bagging and organizing, when all of the sudden he came back candy bars in hand and handed one to each little girl and then gave me one for Bruce! I was surprised.

I said "Oh you don't need to do that,"
He said pointing to Bruce "He is so cute. I want to. Here you go."

In all my years of shopping with kids no one has ever bought candy for all of them.  It was so kind. The girls were obviously delighted. They wasted no time enjoying the unexpected treat. In the next store I saw the family again and told the man he had really made our day and thank you again. He said he just hoped we had a good day.

Kindness is so refreshing and invigorating. I'm going to look for an opportunity to do that in the future

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

4.25.17 Reaping

My brother taught me today the main thing he is learning from older and wiser farmers: It does no good to get mad when things go wrong. This observation was MAYBE driven home this weekend. 

A mere 4 months ago I had a not too happy confrontation with leaders about this guy. Since that time I have stewed and fretted,  we have worked hard at home and tracking down lost information,  and worked together  with leaders to get him where I thought he was then. 

As I sat at the meeting last night listening to the telling of adventures and thinking about his enjoyment in the program, I realized AGAIN (as I have been realizing through the work of the 4 months) he has gained far more than a lot of badges. He has earned true friends, good memories, and learned a lot from patient men who willingly take these boys on outings.
As I watched my next son eagerly listen to the possibilities I'm thankful he will have this opportunities too.

A few days before we were here. A long short walk down memory lane. Anna got her greenhand degree then got the star greenhand award. I think all of my siblings and my dad got this award. She gave the creed before the ceremony and did her best recitation to date.
Exciting events to end her inaugural year in FFA. There are so many possibilities in her next 4 years. She has traveled many miles with that blue and gold jacket this year. She is preparing for another big trip! So fun.

This lady is beginning her trek into teen hood. She is a willing cook, although too often is left to her own novice understanding and the end product isn't normal. She did this casserole perfectly though. I love her eagerness to try! And am so thankful to come home to food ready to be eaten!

The best part of bigger kids is their ability to get things done! Often more timely and creative than I would dream.

Part of lunch this weekend. The girls are so much better at presentation than I. Thank goodness. I often wonder what we are turning out here?  I'm thankful to see they are doing just fine and although there are many days and nights of hand ringing and even some fighting and lots of patience. Nonetheless and usually for the better than I could hope for, life is working out. I mostly write that because I read my blog the most of anyone and so I need the reminder, it's gonna be okay eventually even when it's not today.

Monday, April 24, 2017

4.24.17 Mechanics

Our dad is busy. He works long hours providing for us, so consequently we don't get him at home to love and squeeze on much. The little girls particularly miss their dad. The other kids get him in the morning and some time with him after school but the little girls are pretty segregated. Thus they eat-up time at his shop. 

I was talking to Greg and noticed this sweet little terror loving on her dad. 

She was up half the night so can't say she is my favorite today but she is sure cute.
My little Harold has morphed into tall as dad big helper! Time has gone very fast looking back. Forward seems eternal but back is almost the blink of an eye. I sure miss having Harold around. He had become my go to muscle fix it guy here and now he is learning more skills from dad. We are thankful he is able to do so much as Greg is very short handed. Even though we have a large group when it comes to enough hands able to do the work there always seems to be a shortage.

I love watching these two work together and am so thankful for the time they have had to learn how to work together. Harold has gained understanding and appreciation for his dad's skills and work ethic and Greg has gained understanding and insight into who his son is. Win win!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

4.22.17 What to do with Easter eggs!

You eat them, and you make sure not to waste the good colored shell. You eat it all!
Thanks sis for the help...

Afton is getting big. She loves her Bruusah.

No worse for the wear. Actually developing a fondness for independent eating. And getting more skilled at the pincher grasp.

Well sometimes and sometimes he gets help.

I had vacuumed an hour earlier, so this wasn't so bad. He was standing at the window observing the lovely outside. She pulled him down then shared an egg. I had reported the day before he wasn't so hot on eggs, usually gagging on them in any form and refusing to eat more than a bite or two. This day she gave him the broken in half egg complete with shell. He went to work eating. Oh gross! I removed the shell parts and took some pictures. I always enjoying seeing how my kids work. He really enjoyed feeding himself and playing in the egg. He ate quite a bit. This was a new experience not sure any of my other 10 kids had ate egg shell and all off the floor before. So these last two are keeping it fresh for me. Thank goodness I wouldn't want to get bored with being the mom!

Friday, April 21, 2017

4.21.17 Easter Weekend

 I spent a lot of time stewing over preparing a seder meal. A few minutes finding a store that carried lamb meat, and even more hours pondering how to teach my children more about Christ and Easter. In the end that was all wasted time. We didn't watch many if any videos about easter, we didn't increase or improve our scripture study to cover his life... and we did not waste money on expensive lamb. I have hopes for next year. And we did accidentally start the recommended 4 weeks of study on track with discussing miracles, then moving on to forgiveness, Life is too busy and reigning it back in is like trying to untagle fishing string that was used as a spider web and not carefully strung on a caster. It can be redeemed but it takes LOTS of work and patience. That's were we are at all a mess needing lots of TIME and PATIENCE.
So in lieu of careful spiritual discussions we made easter cupcakes!

And dyed easter eggs. Or more honestly I googled how to dye eggs showed it to Addie and Aliza and they dyed eggs with the kids. I listened while feeding Bruce. They had a ball including dying themselves quite well. Bruce even had green feet when it was all done.
I had Greg help me hide eggs before he departed for church meetings. Thank goodness he hid them hard and I hid them easy. Thus giving all the kids, who wanted to a chance to participate.
After church we enjoyed a lovely feast at my mom's and the annual easter egg hunt provided by aunt Mary. She is so thoughtful the kids love this tradition.

In action hair even blowing from the fast movement it takes to get lots of eggs before your cousins! No Mary plans well and there were plenty of eggs for all. I think guilt overcame me  because  Millie and I sat and watched several bible videos yesterday to try to correct some of her thinking about the empty tomb. We just keep trying even if the moment is missed there is still time. Phew.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

4.20.17 A New Truck

Monday was a pretty big day for us. We bought a truck! Coming from a farm background trucks are a way of life. Representative of lots of hours of work and lots of hours of memory. I loved going with my grandma in the truck. She would sing to me, tell me stories, stop for donuts, we would read magazines together and I would finger her crochet projects. Trucks are good.  

Greg informed me that morning he was planning on buying a truck. I was surprised. We went to the auction and it was good to see and visit with so many friends. This auction was bittersweet. We know the retiring farmer well. He is a kind very tidy farmer. His luck just ran out and he decided to fold before he had more debts than his kids could even pay off. It's an end to the life he has always known, ironic that it may just be the start of the life we are only aware of from the fringes.

We got a truck and then mistakenly added to our purchases a 4 wheeler. We didn't need one...

So today I'm learning about craigslist and hoping it sells fast. And that the kids will understand and not pitch too big of a fit that I'm getting rid of it. We need to learn that lesson better that everything can be for sale- minus them of course.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

4.12.17 Sunday Evening

Raising this family of mine has been very different from my growing up adventures. I have siblings and thus am an Aunt. Being the mom of the biggest group I'm not very good at this. I console myself with the thought I provided the cousins. My sisters are far better aunts providing and thinking in terms of fun and togetherness. We were able to attend one such family gathering this weekend. 

The pink brigade. They had a great time exploring, chatting and throwing rocks in the pond.

My cool thoughtful sister providing bubbles. Thank goodness no one followed them into the water.

Some quiet time just pondering and soaking up the natural beauty of this magnificent earth. Even more lovely this year with all the rain and snow. I sorely miss easy family time like this, we get busy with other stuff too often these days. Just like the pioneers greedily and happily consumed dandelion greens after a winter of bland salt pork and flour meals I gulp the time in the beautiful green outdoors in the spring time. Added bonus my kids and strong husband there to talk to and laugh with.

Cousin showing her treasure yard. There is a boat! A real boat just needing a driver and some willing riders and wahoo! Adventure around every corner and cloud. This was a great evening calm and peaceful. I applauded my ability to carry my two youngest (individually) not so out of shape as I feared. And I enjoyed the time just visiting and being outside. I always tell the kids stop reading about adventures and go have some of your own. I'm just as bad.
So it was nice to go somewhere else and have an adventure. Thanks Ty and Rachel for patiently hosting us and reminding us what is truly the best!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

4.11.17 A happy Family/ Feeling the spirit.

Some days are very full! We did this (pulling trees) and a merit badge fair, and missionary work this weekend.
That led to this! Love these moments.

To this! Addie asked last week what the spirit felt like. I can honestly say it feels happy! It feels peaceful, it feels so good to be. Not Christmas excited good but just good! Like perfect day sunshine good. or holding a content sleeping baby on your chest!

We were laughing so hard we didn't get more than 5 verses of scriptures in but sometimes that's just okay.

John is a riot. He studies humor writers for new material. He has an innocent wit and a bravery of truding into battle zones of family feuds to diffuse the tension with jokes, observations, or anecdotes He has read or dreamed up. I love him! Peacemakers come in all forms.
 While I wonder if our lack of serious scripture study will be detrimental I am comforted that the strength of family unity will outweigh our lack. That was a long day complete with too much too do, not enough hands, unexpected cancelled plans, and the final decision to just stay put. The end result of true laughter and love was worth the cost.
 I love the gospel I love the unexpected joys that come from being obedient to the living prophet. This Easter week as I ponder and teach more about our Savior Jesus Christ I am filled with joy and love for the hope of living with Him again, for forgiveness and help with my many weaknesses and shortcomings, and the great peace that comes from knowing Him. Happy Easter!

Monday, April 10, 2017

4.10.17 Bookworms

I visited the school last week and when I passed Liza's classroom I laughed and gasped. It was easy to tell her desk among all the others. The pile of books almost as tall as her gave it away! That girl loves!!! books. She carries one with her at all times everywhere even while doing chores she has a small backpack on her back with a book or three. Her larger school backpack (lifetime guarantee) is falling apart because of the 50+ lbs she hauls daily to and from school. 

To put this into perspective. This is her plack. Over 4000+ Accelerated Reader points. She is up to 8000. The next closest reader in the same grade hit 3000+. She is talented and speed reading is an added perk.

So with that talent, a motivated teacher, and some like minded friends they won regionals and headed to state. All because of reading. They got a one night paid for hotel room, a fun contest and lots of memories to build on for next year! Pictured are 9 lovely ladies from our town who all competed at the state level. Ironic they both went out on the same question in the same round.

She took this very seriously(reading all 16 books 4-6x. In addition to her other reading, school, and chores) and had a great time. Away from home on her own with another family. We missed her dearly and prayed a lot for her and anxiously awaited every text that came. Again so thankful for the various opportunities that are found in our small rural town and the host of teachers that make it happen.

And the most recent awards assembly. Reading, academics, and Reed got a citizenship. Makes a difference for these kiddos to get those pieces of paper. Probably a bit jaded with so many assemblies behind me, but I appreciate the willingness of their teachers to keep learning fresh and exciting, and to lead them through the battle of new skills and thoughts. We are blessed to work with a great group of responsive, respectful, and righteous teachers. I cannot raise these kiddos alone. I appreciate the help we get enormously.

Friday, April 7, 2017

4.7.17 Spring Break too

We ate a lot. To help this endeavor my mom gave me a tortilla press. Love that we can have fresh tortillas fast and the kids can do it! Reed instructed Harold on proper pressing technique, while I hurried to write a talk for sacrament meeting in 1 hour time. All went well and breakfast was delish!

Alivia has woken up into her personality! Reed is rubbing feet and she is joining in.

A kind friend brought us two cupcake snakes as a thanks for thanking her and her husband for being such diligent public servants. Fun appetizers

General conference canNOT happen without donuts! Working feverishly to get them done before the opening prayer.

We went to the temple and came home to these lovely spring flowers courtesy of the flower lady in our ward. We made it to the last session before closing time. In engineering there is a phrase "Just in time."  That means the product is ready just in time not early and not late. Being married to an engineer we go for just in time. Not early and hopefully not too late to completely miss the event.

And last half hour of sunlight on saturday night of spring break was spent shooting!

Which resulted in VERY happy kids and fixing the cold fence in the dark,. Love these kids and their dad and the time we live together!