Saturday, April 22, 2017

4.22.17 What to do with Easter eggs!

You eat them, and you make sure not to waste the good colored shell. You eat it all!
Thanks sis for the help...

Afton is getting big. She loves her Bruusah.

No worse for the wear. Actually developing a fondness for independent eating. And getting more skilled at the pincher grasp.

Well sometimes and sometimes he gets help.

I had vacuumed an hour earlier, so this wasn't so bad. He was standing at the window observing the lovely outside. She pulled him down then shared an egg. I had reported the day before he wasn't so hot on eggs, usually gagging on them in any form and refusing to eat more than a bite or two. This day she gave him the broken in half egg complete with shell. He went to work eating. Oh gross! I removed the shell parts and took some pictures. I always enjoying seeing how my kids work. He really enjoyed feeding himself and playing in the egg. He ate quite a bit. This was a new experience not sure any of my other 10 kids had ate egg shell and all off the floor before. So these last two are keeping it fresh for me. Thank goodness I wouldn't want to get bored with being the mom!

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