Thursday, April 20, 2017

4.20.17 A New Truck

Monday was a pretty big day for us. We bought a truck! Coming from a farm background trucks are a way of life. Representative of lots of hours of work and lots of hours of memory. I loved going with my grandma in the truck. She would sing to me, tell me stories, stop for donuts, we would read magazines together and I would finger her crochet projects. Trucks are good.  

Greg informed me that morning he was planning on buying a truck. I was surprised. We went to the auction and it was good to see and visit with so many friends. This auction was bittersweet. We know the retiring farmer well. He is a kind very tidy farmer. His luck just ran out and he decided to fold before he had more debts than his kids could even pay off. It's an end to the life he has always known, ironic that it may just be the start of the life we are only aware of from the fringes.

We got a truck and then mistakenly added to our purchases a 4 wheeler. We didn't need one...

So today I'm learning about craigslist and hoping it sells fast. And that the kids will understand and not pitch too big of a fit that I'm getting rid of it. We need to learn that lesson better that everything can be for sale- minus them of course.

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