Friday, April 21, 2017

4.21.17 Easter Weekend

 I spent a lot of time stewing over preparing a seder meal. A few minutes finding a store that carried lamb meat, and even more hours pondering how to teach my children more about Christ and Easter. In the end that was all wasted time. We didn't watch many if any videos about easter, we didn't increase or improve our scripture study to cover his life... and we did not waste money on expensive lamb. I have hopes for next year. And we did accidentally start the recommended 4 weeks of study on track with discussing miracles, then moving on to forgiveness, Life is too busy and reigning it back in is like trying to untagle fishing string that was used as a spider web and not carefully strung on a caster. It can be redeemed but it takes LOTS of work and patience. That's were we are at all a mess needing lots of TIME and PATIENCE.
So in lieu of careful spiritual discussions we made easter cupcakes!

And dyed easter eggs. Or more honestly I googled how to dye eggs showed it to Addie and Aliza and they dyed eggs with the kids. I listened while feeding Bruce. They had a ball including dying themselves quite well. Bruce even had green feet when it was all done.
I had Greg help me hide eggs before he departed for church meetings. Thank goodness he hid them hard and I hid them easy. Thus giving all the kids, who wanted to a chance to participate.
After church we enjoyed a lovely feast at my mom's and the annual easter egg hunt provided by aunt Mary. She is so thoughtful the kids love this tradition.

In action hair even blowing from the fast movement it takes to get lots of eggs before your cousins! No Mary plans well and there were plenty of eggs for all. I think guilt overcame me  because  Millie and I sat and watched several bible videos yesterday to try to correct some of her thinking about the empty tomb. We just keep trying even if the moment is missed there is still time. Phew.

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