Friday, April 7, 2017

4.7.17 Spring Break too

We ate a lot. To help this endeavor my mom gave me a tortilla press. Love that we can have fresh tortillas fast and the kids can do it! Reed instructed Harold on proper pressing technique, while I hurried to write a talk for sacrament meeting in 1 hour time. All went well and breakfast was delish!

Alivia has woken up into her personality! Reed is rubbing feet and she is joining in.

A kind friend brought us two cupcake snakes as a thanks for thanking her and her husband for being such diligent public servants. Fun appetizers

General conference canNOT happen without donuts! Working feverishly to get them done before the opening prayer.

We went to the temple and came home to these lovely spring flowers courtesy of the flower lady in our ward. We made it to the last session before closing time. In engineering there is a phrase "Just in time."  That means the product is ready just in time not early and not late. Being married to an engineer we go for just in time. Not early and hopefully not too late to completely miss the event.

And last half hour of sunlight on saturday night of spring break was spent shooting!

Which resulted in VERY happy kids and fixing the cold fence in the dark,. Love these kids and their dad and the time we live together!

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