Thursday, April 6, 2017

4.6.17 Bruce Update

He's getting mobile! He's still super cute and mostly happy, now that the ear infection is cleared up. Thank goodness for tylenol and antibiotics, we had a long 6 weeks of illness. But we came out with Bruce doing this new trick rocking on his hands and knees and now moving reliably backwards until he runs into a corner he can't escape.

He also diddles with my hair. When he has to wait for food he pacifies himself with my hair. This is hard to take selfies off as it  hurts and my hair isn't log enough if I move to far out of reach.

Yes I think it's time for the short do again. I hate that pulling. But I love this sweet guy and hate hearing him cry more so we put up with soggy hair and the pain. I'm blessed to experience this baby and the rest. I took for granted having them in my home. I read the stories of people who struggle with one issue or another that prevents them getting children to their home and my heart breaks for them. So I try to be more patient and grateful even when it's hard to share my hair.

No seriously as I worried these past 3 months about my thyroid stuff I thought a lot about my blessings and especially how much of a miracle Bruce is. I was able to carry him full term, easily birth him, and even nurse him for 7 months now. That's amazing in light of all the health challenges, stress, and various life requirements going on in that same time period. Yet I know I have been strengthened because of my service and I know that he was so needed in our family. I'm thankful to be a mom and am so grateful he is healthy.
He's so snuggly and just the right size for hugging.

And sometimes he moonlights as Peter Pan! I got a potted house plant from a friend. I knew it wouldn't last long I didn't imagine it would be a costume. He's such a good sport.

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