Wednesday, April 26, 2017

4.26.17 A Random Act of Kindness

Last week while we were shopping, just me and the 4 little kids we had an unexpected first. We were in the checkout. I had Bruce strapped on my front and the little girls were helping bag and wandering around. A kind African couple was in the next lane. The man noticed us and smiled. I continued bagging and organizing, when all of the sudden he came back candy bars in hand and handed one to each little girl and then gave me one for Bruce! I was surprised.

I said "Oh you don't need to do that,"
He said pointing to Bruce "He is so cute. I want to. Here you go."

In all my years of shopping with kids no one has ever bought candy for all of them.  It was so kind. The girls were obviously delighted. They wasted no time enjoying the unexpected treat. In the next store I saw the family again and told the man he had really made our day and thank you again. He said he just hoped we had a good day.

Kindness is so refreshing and invigorating. I'm going to look for an opportunity to do that in the future

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